Project handover checklist
Monitoring disk space on AWS Ubuntu instances
Creating GUIDs in Loadster scripts
Scrape newsletters and email them using Python, Dropbox and IFTTT
Deploying git branches from GitLab using Slack commands
Deploy straight from Slack using Jenkins and Capistrano
Jenkins builds of GitLab branches stopped working due to security patch
Search and replace with regex in Sublime Text
Two-Legged OAuth with the Google Drive API in Ruby
Not enough free disk space for Ubuntu software updater
from_sentence : the opposite of Rails to_sentence
Installing CyanogenMod Android 4.4.2 on Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini
Setting up an IE6 image for VirtualBox
Setting up PhoneGap on Ubuntu for Android app development
Testing Javascript with QUnit, PhantomJS and JSCover
Sublime Text 3 : keyboard shortcut to reveal file in sidebar
Sublime Text 3 : install notes
Copy to clipboard without the mouse using xclip
Serving a website from Amazon S3
Using xargs and curl to request URLs from a list
XDebug, PHP and Sublime Text 2 on Ubuntu 12.04
Ikea Hack : Standing Desk
Why two machines are still essential for web development (hint: stupid IE6)
Running SauceLabs Selenium test suite locally with PHPUnit
BCS Meeting 26th July 2012 on the Isle of Man
Upgrading PEAR if Guzzle install fails
Using Jenkins to run remote deployment scripts over SSH
Building github branches with Jenkins
Importing a project into github
Using Drush Make while is down
Enable trackpad coasting in Ubuntu 10.04
PHP 5.3.0 and the "global" keyword
Installing Ruby Active Record on Ubuntu 10.04
Ubuntu and CloudInit on Amazon EC2
Google Maps on Android downloads 60MB in 10 minutes
Agile Coaching - new book from Rachel Davies
Stefan Tilkov talks about REST
Cultural Agoraphobia
Validate your inputs
Resetting the oil service light on a 2006 BMW 320i
PhpUnit Mocks that suddenly stopped working
JISC dev8D conference 2009
Versioning the Cloud
CruiseControl is dead, long live Hudson
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